Tag Archives: New Years

A Few Simple Ways To Help Make 2023 Better

With every new year comes new challenges and opportunities. And once the New Year holiday celebrations are over, a lot of people like to be extra ambitions. They’ll make bold resolutions like getting into shape, quitting smoking, saving more money, or working on their relationships.

These are all good, admirable goals to seek. If these are among your resolutions, then more power to you. I certainly encourage anyone making a sincere effort to improve their lives.

However, it’s also common to let your bolder resolutions obscure the smaller goals that are also worth pursuing. I can attest that I am guilty of this, as well. For much of my life, I’ve let bigger goals get in the way of smaller, more achievable endeavors. And even if I make progress on those bigger goals, it still feels like I miss some opportunities along the way.

In that spirit, I’d like to share a few little things that you can do to help make 2023 a good year for you. I’ve talked before about bold resolutions and I still encourage everyone to make them. But rather than repeat myself or share random anecdotes, I want to offer something small, but tangible that you can do to improve yourself and your life. I won’t charge for them. I won’t even ask for tips or donations. This is all freely given from me to you.

Tip #1: Go to sleep an hour earlier for one week and see how an extra hour of sleep improves your mood, health, and overall well-being.

Tip #2: Just go for a walk around your neighborhood, but make sure you walk down paths and streets you’ve never gone down before. Get out of your comfort zone to see what’s out there.

Tip #3: Do one act of random, unprovoked kindness every week for a random stranger. It doesn’t matter what it is. It can be as simple as anonymously donating to charity. A simple act of altruism is good for you.

Tip #4: Schedule a small chunk of time out of every day for a week for yourself. It can be as brief as an hour. Just use that time to stop, catch your breath, and decompress from all your daily stresses.

Tip #5: Make one minor change to your routine for a few days and see how much or how little that improves things.

Tip #6: Don’t follow any major news for a full 24 hours.

Tip #7: Learn to cook something new that you’ve never cooked before and share it with others.

These are just a few tips I felt are worth sharing. I tried to make them specific, but generalized enough that most people can incorporate it into their lives. You can try one or all of them. I simply encourage you to use the new year to try something different in your life.

We all have things we can improve upon and we should never stop trying to improve. There’s always a place for large improvements, but don’t negate the little things. You’ll find that, over time and beyond any new year, they accumulate. And when they do, you’ll appreciate just how much they’ve helped you.

I hope everyone has a safe, happy, and productive 2023.

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Announcement: Taking A Break From This Site

Waving Goodbye to Arbitration | Arbitration Nation

Every now and then, it’s important to take a step back, look at what you’re doing, and think long and hard about how you want to move forward. The start of a new year is generally a good time to make that effort. Since graduating college, I’ve made it a point to use the beginning of a new year to make important decisions about the near and far future.

Sometimes that means changing something about myself, be it related to my health or my personal relationships.

Sometimes, it means evaluating where and how I apply myself on a day-to-day basis.

Sometimes, it can even mean choosing whether or not to let something go, be it a project, a passion, or a goal.

Make no mistakes, I’ve contemplated many things about how I’ll navigate the new year. Some choices are more mundane than others. A few have larger ramifications. The one I’m sharing today might very well qualify.

Today, I’m officially announcing a change as to how I utilize this website. I’ve been posting daily to this site almost every day since 2017. I originally started it as a way to sell my novels and build an audience for my writing. Aside from the two books I got published and several others I self-published, not much has happened on that front. I still submit manuscripts to publishers, but I’ve yet to garner much attention.

Over time, this site has become less and less linked to those efforts. It doesn’t appear to be helping me further my goals anymore. That’s why I’ve made the following decision.

Moving forward, I will no longer be posting to it daily. If you’re a regular reader of this site, I sincerely apologize. Believe me when I say I appreciate the support, especially the kind that comes from friends and relatives. However, I think the time is right to make a change.

A couple weeks ago, I decided to analyze the overall traffic this site gets. I looked at the stats for the entire year. In doing so, I saw some clear and unavoidable trends.

This site does get a fair bit of traffic. However, over 90 percent of that traffic is to my Sexy Short Stories. Since 2019, that section of my site has been generating more and more traffic. It’s now at a point where the daily posts barely register. I’m lucky if one new post gets more than a dozen hits, whereas one of my older Sexy Short Stories get over a hundred on that same day.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful for that traffic. I’m glad my Sexy Short Stories have found an audience. It has just rendered the time and energy I put into those daily posts less worthwhile. However, there’s another major factor that led me to this decision and that’s my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

Over the past year, that channel has grown a great deal in terms of content and audience. I have over 400 subscribers at the moment and I’m eager to see that grow even more in the coming years. As such, I’d like to focus more of my energy on making videos rather than daily posts.

I’ve also come to enjoy making these videos. I’m still learning the process, the software, and all the little skills needed to make a quality video. I’d like to channel more energy into that effort and I just can’t do that while also posting regularly to this site.

I’m sorry if this news disappoints some. I know a few friends and family members were regular readers. I still hope to provide content. Some of the content on my YouTube channel is very similar to the kind of stuff I’ve written about on this site. With videos, though, I can add more media elements to make it more engage in.

As such, I feel that’s where I think my time and energy is better spent, at least for now.

Now, that doesn’t mean I’m abandoning this site completely. Like I said, my Sexy Short Stories get quite a bit of traffic. At some point this year, I’m going to go back to writing those. I don’t know how frequent they’ll arrive, but I hope to make it a regular thing that readers can look forward to.

Other than those stories, I’ll also make a post whenever I post a new video to Jack’s World, just to keep that aligned with this site.

Beyond that, there won’t be much else. That means no more weekly comic book picks, no more Sexy Sunday Thoughts, and no more articles about sex robots. Again, I apologize to those who regularly read those posts. I just feel like the time is right to make this change and move forward.

I still haven’t given up on my goals of becoming a published author. I have a number of unpublished manuscripts that I’d like to sell one day. I just don’t think posting to this site is helping me achieve that right now.

To everyone who has followed this site for the past several years, I sincerely thank you.

To the friends and family who have encouraged me every step of the way, I love you all.

Take care and stay safe.

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New Year 2022: Announcements, Teasers, And Overall Outlook

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. It is a message of hope and encouragement for 2022, as well as a general set of announcements as to what you can expect from this channel moving forward. It also contains a major announcement about this website, which I’ll expand on in a couple days. Enjoy and Happy New Year!

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A Note On New Years Resolutions For 2021 (And From 2020)

At the start of every year, I make a brief list of New Years Resolutions that I hope to pursue in the coming months. I know it’s corny, but I believe there’s real value to it. Whether you accomplish them or not, setting goals and trying to improve yourself has real merit. I highly recommend that everyone try it. You don’t even have to call it a New Years Resolution.

In previous years, I’ve mentioned my resolutions. I’ve also talked about why many, including myself, often fail to achieve them. At the beginning of 2020, I went through the same process. I laid out some goals and some general plans I hoped to stick to. I didn’t expect to achieve everything, but I was genuinely hopeful.

Then, 2020 became the 2020 that we all hate and dread.

A once-in-a-generation pandemic hit.

Society and the economy shut down.

People lost friends, loved ones, and their jobs.

On top of that, political rhetoric somehow got worse in an election year.

It was bad. If ever there was a year in which you could be forgiven for overlooking your resolutions, it’s 2020. I think most reasonable people agree. We all need a mulligan on our resolutions from last year. We may even need one for the first part of this year, as the impact of 2020 has already extended into January.

For me, personally, the events of 2020 had a serious impact on the resolutions I laid out. The ones I thought would be simple, such as intensifying my gym workouts, proved to be very difficult when gyms were shut down for four months. While I tried to adapt, running more and doing body weight exercises, I still wouldn’t consider that resolution achieved.

My more ambitious resolutions were a lot harder to adapt. Every year, I make it a point to improve my social skills. That’s one of my major deficiencies and has been since high school. It has been a serious uphill battle over the years, learning to talk to people, make friends, and foster meaningful social connections. I’ve gotten much better since college, but I’m still below average.

Last year set me back again. Naturally, it’s pretty damn hard to work on your social skills when people are social distancing, working from home, or self-isolating due to concerns over illness. It turns out it’s just not easy to be sociable during a global pandemic. Go figure.

Now, that’s not to say I didn’t make an effort. I really did try to adapt. Learning how to use Zoom and getting family members to embrace video chatting really helped. I was able to both maintain and even strengthen the connections I had. When it came to making new ones, though, I was very limited.

As a result, my resolution to make a concerted effort to find girlfriend was effectively shunted. There was just no dating scene during a pandemic. It’s hard to embrace romance when so many people are afraid of kissing, hugging, shaking hands, or just going new places with someone. While online dating tried to adapt, I struggled to keep up.

If nothing else, last year made me realize how lucky other couples were to have that connection through the pandemic. You may be stuck at home, but you’re not alone and you have someone who can keep you grounded when you start to go stir crazy.

I needed that in 2020.

I needed that more than I care to admit.

Hopefully, that motivates me even more to put myself out there and find love later this year. I may ultimately have to wait until next year for things to be normal enough to embrace romantic pursuits, once more. I’m still willing to put in the effort in the meantime. If 2020 taught me anything, it’s that a crisis is much easier to endure when you have someone to endure it with.

Other resolutions, like traveling to certain places and taking an exotic vacation, had to be pushed back for purely pragmatic reasons. Missing out on those resolutions wasn’t too jarring. It’s just a matter of finding the time and making arrangements. That’s relatively easy to do once things settle. It’s the harder resolutions that might take longer.

I still want to make those resolutions for 2021. I also encourage others to do so, even if it just means carrying over every resolution they couldn’t achieve in 2020. That’s perfectly fine. I think most people would understand. Last year was a mess. We all deserve a pass.

At the same time, let’s not overlook the fact that a lost year is still a lost year. None of us are getting any younger. I’m getting to an age where I can’t afford to lose too many years, especially if I want to put myself out there, explore new places, and eventually find love.

So, regardless of how you feel about New Years Resolutions and the scars of 2020, I think it’s wise we all pursue our goals in 2021 with greater urgency. We don’t have to completely make up for all the time we lost in 2021. We should just remember how quickly plans can get derailed by forces beyond our control.

We can face some very tough setbacks over the course of our lives, but we should never stop pursuing meaningful goals.

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New Years Eve: Just One More Day Of 2020!

It’s almost over, everbody.

The final day of 2020 is upon us.

In any other year, we would use this as an opportunity to wish everyone a happy New Year and to share our New Years plans. This is not just any other year. This is 2020 and it has been historically hellish for reasons that would take too long to list. Now, it’s almost over.

We’ve made it this far. We’ve endured horrible story after horrible story. We navigated times in which time seemed to slow to a crawl. For some, it’s been a special kind of terrible. Let’s at least acknowledge that doctors and front line health care workers have had it the worst.

Now, I know the end of 2020 doesn’t mean an automatic end to everything that made it so awful. There’s still work to be done. We’re still a long way from anything resembling a better world.

If nothing else, 2020 has set the bar so laughably low for improvement that 2021 has no excuses for being at least slightly better. As jaded and broken as I’ve become over this past year, I’m choosing to be hopeful. I really want to believe that 2021 will be a better year. The effort to make it better starts tomorrow.

For now, let’s just get through this last day. We’ve almost made it, people! Just hang in there a little bit longer.

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Jack Fisher’s Sexy Sunday Thoughts: Rebound Love Edition


Rebound sex has somewhat of a mixed reputation. It’s not uncommon for someone to tell a friend, be they a man or a woman, that the best way to get over one lover is to hop into bed with another. The logic sounds lurid, but it’s not entirely flawed. Sometimes, people need to reconnect with someone new to move forward. Like anything, there’s a healthy and unhealthy way to do it, but it does have merit.

Personally, I think just jumping into bed with the first person you can after a break-up does more harm than good. However, I also think that pursuing a new relationship shortly after another has fallen apart can work very well, provided those involved understand the circumstances. I think love in that context can be just as meaningful as any other.

It’s part of a very human tendency to seek love. When you feel broken, vulnerable, and lonely, you’re going to be a lot more motivated to seek it. Break-ups often leave us feeling all of those things and then some. I’d argue that you’re never more motivated to find a new love than you are when you’re still reeling from one that failed.

I’ve experienced this personally. I’ve also seen others experience it as well. Some ended up in a rebound relationship that has since become long-term. It’s an uncommon love story that doesn’t always have a romantic foundation, but it’s every bit as genuine. Love like that is certainly worthy of some Sexy Sunday Thoughts to cap off the weekend. Enjoy!

“If you and your lover are horny, creative, and daring, you can make love on any piece of furniture.”

“Pillow talk is basically a debriefing for your heart and your genitals.”

“Every time you think your job is awful, remember that there are janitors who work at brothels.”

“Sexting is basically an effort to be the one who makes someone horny from afar.”

“A good portion of peoples’ morality is built around which sources of orgasms warrant stigma.”

“As long as people have dirty minds, there will always be a source of free porn.”

“Decadence is just a sexy brand of fun that makes certain people uncomfortable.”

Pursuing love is rarely a smooth, predictable process. We all have this fanciful idea of how we’ll fall in love with someone. It rarely plays out that way in the real world. Rebound love might not be the most romantic kind of love we pursue, but it can still blossom. It can turn the pain of a breakup into something beautiful. What’s more romantic than that?

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Jack Fisher’s Sexy Sunday Thoughts: Intimate Quarantine Edition


There are certain times when it’s genuinely hard to set a sexy mood. A national tragedy, a death in the family, or being arrested often qualify. However, a global pandemic is a special kind of challenge. Like everyone else with access to a news feed, I know what’s going on with the Coronavirus/COVID-19. There’s no way around it. This is a crisis the likes of which we haven’t seen in decades.

I’ve tried to offer advice and lighten the mood over the course of the week. I know that only goes so far. When it comes to offering some Sexy Sunday Thoughts, I understand it’s more challenging than usual. Originally, I was going to do a St. Patrick’s Day edition. With so many events cancelled, I feel that’s just not appropriate anymore.

For many communities, including my own, we’re on somewhat of a quarantine. Schools are closed. Large gatherings are banned. We’re basically just stuck in our homes, trying to amuse ourselves and washing our hands constantly. It’s not ideal, but there are still some sexy opportunities to pursue.

If we’re going to be stuck inside, we might as well make the most of it. If you’re lucky enough to have a lover, use this time to catch up on some quality lovemaking. You might never have a time with so few distractions. In that spirit, here are some Sexy Sunday Thoughts to get you in the mood. At the very least, I hope it raises your spirits.

“Being bored and horny is one of the few problems that actually solves itself.”

“Love may be priceless, but relationships come with many hidden fees.”

“Whoever first came up with clown porn must have an exceedingly twisted amount of kink.”

“One man’s premature ejaculation is another’s impromptu quickie.”

“The ability to get laid is what separates being creepy from being mysterious.”

“Part of finding a great lover is giving them plenty of chances to practice.”

“During a crisis, all sex counts as thrill sex.”

In times of crisis, the best you can do is not panic and take things a day at a time. Things will eventually return to normal. It’s just going to take longer than usual. Until then, do what you can to make the most of it. Wash your hands and embrace your loved ones. If you can embrace them in a sexy way, then that’s just a nice bonus at a time when there are precious few.

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Jack Fisher’s Sexy Sunday Thoughts: Sexy Wit Edition


What does it mean to have a quick wit? It’s one of those things we can’t clearly define, but we know it when we see it. Like sexy innuendo or erotic undertones, it’s something we just pick up on without knowing why. Having witty, smart retorts is an underrated tool in social interactions. It can even get you ahead in certain professional fields, especially if you’re a lawyer. Just ask Saul Goodman.

Outside a courtroom, a quick wit can have many sexy connotations. I’ve known more than a few people in my life who might not have had the looks of a supermodel, but they could talk and quip as though they were the sexiest creatures on this plant. It’s one of those rare sexy skills that men and women alike can appreciate. It doesn’t always work the same way, but it still works.

A sexy wit can help you say many sexy things to your lover, but with fewer words and a more memorable impact. It’s rarely something you can plot out. Anyone can make a romantic gesture if they have enough time, resources, and motivation. It takes real talent to make such a gesture on the cuff and with just your words.

Whether it comes from raw talent or learned skill, a sexy wit goes a long way for anyone who wields it. Women can use it to get their lover’s excited. Men can use it to get their lovers interested and engaged. It may be an understated ability, but its potential greater than most people realize. I hope this round of my Sexy Sunday Thoughts help others appreciate that potential. Enjoy!

“The first man to give a woman multiple orgasms was also likely the first real life superhero.”

“It’s probably coincidence that the best drugs either facilitate great sex or supplant it.”

“Ever stop and wonder what sort of mishap, ignorance, or debauchery requires someone to call customer support for a sex toy?”

“If all the greatest sluts and studs go to Hell when they die, then is Heaven truly Heaven?”

“The measure of a man can be indirectly inferred by what he thinks of when he masturbates.”

“Creativity is equally instrumental in creating greater art and kinkier kinks.”

“Is a hypochondriac with a dirty mind a hypocrite by default?”

Not everyone can talk with the same swagger and seductiveness as James Bond or Jennifer Lopez. However, with the right application of wit and word play, we can amplify our sex appeal in the right situations. Whether you’re with a long-time lover or a pretty face that you just met, a good wit can go a long way towards endearing yourself to them and not just in a sexy sort of way.

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Jack Fisher’s Sexy Sunday Thoughts: First Crush Edition


Who doesn’t remember their first crush? Maybe a better question for some is why can’t we forget our first crush? Most of us know remember the name, face, eye-color, and shoe size of the first person we had a crush on in our youth. I certainly do. I’ve shared some personal details of that experience before. I think it’s an experience we can all relate to on some levels.

Most of the time, our first rush isn’t the person we end up with. More often than not, they coincide with that fateful moment when we realize we’re attracted to other people. We gradate from that point in our lives when we’re not just looking for a friend. We’re seeking a more intimate connection. It can be profound, but it can also be scary.

When we’re young, our emotions are all over the place. They’re still new to us. We don’t know how to deal with them, let alone share them. Our first crush is like our first attempt to make that connection. Some are lucky enough to share the awkwardness with someone special. It can seem immature in hindsight, but it still represents a meaningful step in our romantic, emotional, and sexual journey.

I certainly learned a lot from my first crush. Some of those lessons took longer than others to sink in. Even if you ended up with someone different in the end, that first crush will always be special to us on some levels. Please keep that in mind as I share with you some Sexy Sunday Thoughts. If you’re among the lucky ones to still be with your first crush, I hope it gets you in the right spirit. Enjoy!

“When you’re bisexual, every close friend is a potential lover.”

“The first three-way that involved twins was also the first two-for-one deal.”

“Underwear is only as sexy as your lover’s desire to rip it off.”

“There’s a right way and a wrong way to talk dirty, but the line gets very blurry when one lover is kinky.”

“Can a mistake that results in an orgasm truly count as a mistake?”

“Finding true love and finding a steady supply of shared orgasms aren’t the same thing, but they involve similar processes.”

“Every love song takes on a different meaning when sung from the perspective of someone who’s very horny.”

My first crush probably doesn’t remember me. They may have similar feelings about their first crush. Whatever the case may be, there’s value in knowing that moment in which you desired something deeper than friendship. It’s the first step to developing sexier feelings for others. Those first steps may be awkward, but they can take us to some wonderful places later in life.

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Jack Fisher’s Sexy Sunday Thoughts: Leftover Chocolates Edition


The end of every holiday, large or small, brings with it some underrated perks. Whether it’s Halloween, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day, those perks have appeal for those in love, as well as those who are single. One of my favorite involves the glut of cheap, leftover candy that’s often in abundance after a holiday.

If you’ve been to a store in the past week, you’ve probably seen it. Shelves upon shelves of unsold Valentine’s Day treats are just sitting there, having not been used in any grand romantic gesture. It’s tragic anytime delicious treats go uneaten, but even though Valentine’s Day is over, there’s still hope for them and for those who don’t need a holiday to do something special.

At the end of the day, it’s cheap candy. If you, your friends, and your lover can’t find a way to enjoy cheap candy, then you’re just being difficult. I say take advantage of it. It doesn’t make you cheap. Technically, you’re working smarter by saving money that you could use for yourself and your lover on your own terms. Hallmark may not like it, but that’s their problem.

There aren’t many situations that aren’t improved by extra candy. As long as you don’t mind the Valentine’s Day themes at this point, you’ve got a golden opportunity to make your day a little sweeter. If you can make your lover’s sweeter too, then that’s a nice bonus. No holidays are necessary. Hopefully, these Sexy Sunday Thoughts will help you work up an appetite. Enjoy!

“Technically, romantic tension can’t function without some degree of horniness.”

“You can only be so romantic when you’re really horny.”

“How much do you trust someone who says they’ve never watched porn?”

“If a crazy stunt gets you laid, does it still count as crazy?”

“Pursuing love means finding someone willing to regularly get naked with you.”

“A whore is just a slut with better business savvy.”

“Great love stories often come from those who are lonely, horny, or both.”

We’re entering a time of year in which there aren’t a lot of holidays to look forward to. That means you’re not going to see elaborate treats or decorations. Those cheap, leftover chocolates from Valentine’s Day aren’t going to last forever. Get them while you can. Enjoy them on your own terms. Share them with the ones you love if you can. It’s as sweet a gesture as you can give.

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