Tag Archives: publishing

A Note/Warning To Aspiring Writers: Avoid Vanity Press Scams

For years now, I’ve been an aspiring writer. I’ve self-published multiple books, which I go out of my way to promote. I’ve also been published by a couple of small-time publishers, which I also go out of my way to promote.

I know it’s an uphill battle. I’m also aware that very few writers ever achieve mainstream success. For every George R. R. Martin, Stephen King, and Stephanie Meyer, there are thousands of writers toiling away, working on amazing manuscripts that’ll never see the light of day. Most of the time, writers on my level are content to get whatever exposure we can and whatever minor bit of money comes with it, which is usually very small.

It’s a sad fact of life for aspiring writers. Most will never get published by a mainstream publishing house and few will ever be able to make a comfortable living.

That’s not to discourage anyone from writing. Most people, like myself, genuinely enjoy writing novels, short stories, and anything else that comes to mind. It’s both a hobby and a passion. Even if we can’t ever turn it into a career, it’s something we love to do.

To those same people, as well as those who dream of that rare success so few achieve, I have an important message. It’s not meant to encourage or discourage you from pursuing that dream. You should totally keep working for it. That’s advice most aspiring writers don’t need.

This is different.

This is also important because it might cost you more than a manuscript you worked hard on.

And it boils down to this.

Do NOT fall for Vanity Press scams who claim they can help you sell your book. They’ll just take your money, your book, and whatever else they can get away with.

Now, I’m not just offering this advice on a whim. I promise there’s a good reason why I’m bringing this up in hopes that other aspiring writers will see it.

For the past couple years now, I’ve been getting a number of unsolicited calls from people claiming to work for real publishers. They’re not your typical robocall or phone scams. These are real flesh-and-blood people who usually don’t read from a script. They even leave voicemails that sounds like something a real human would leave.

But don’t be fooled by the human element. These people are working for the least scrupulous part of the publishing industry. They’re what’s called a Vanity Press scam. In short, it’s a type of grift that attempts to get an author to sign the rights over for a book they’ve written while also paying the vanity press for marking services.

On the surface, it sounds like a good deal. You give them your book and some money. They in turn market your book to a wider audience. It sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

There’s just one glaring problem.

They don’t really market your book. They just take your book, your money, and leave you with pretty much nothing. They rely on authors who don’t know much about the publishing industry and would prefer to have someone else market their book. It’s shady and exploitative as hell, but it sadly works way more often than it should.

I’ve been dealing with several of these scams for the past couple years now. They keep calling me, asking about one of my self-published books, usually “The Escort and the Gigolo” or “Skin Deep,” and claim they can help me market the book. They’ll even claim they came across the book and it met their criteria for a book with serious sales potential. All I have to do is give them money and publishing rights to realize it.

That’s a lie.

If a legitimate publisher really believes your book has major sales potential, they pay you in the form of an advance. To them, it’s an investment. But a vanity press scam is nothing of the sort. It’s just looking to get you to fork over money to do marketing that’ll never actually manifest. They may claim they have a robust marketing team. They’ll even claim they can get you into major bookstores. Some will go so far as to claim they can get your book noticed by Hollywood producers.

Again, that’s a lie.

It’s little more than excess flattery to convince you to give them your money. Don’t fall for it. They aren’t going to help you sell more books. You may even lose the rights to your own work if you sign one of their contracts. That might end up costing you more down the line and not just in terms of money.

Now, that’s not to say all vanity press publishing is a scam. There are legitimate vanity press publishing companies who essentially help writers self-publish their books in exchange for a fee. The key, though, is that you seek them out and not the other way around. Vanity Publishing is largely the domain of self-published authors who already have an audience or are unfamiliar with how to self-publish across multiple platforms.

There is a place for that kind of service in the publishing industry. But if someone from a publisher calls you and is asking for money in exchange for your book, chances are they’re not representing a real vanity press. They’re just scammers trying to get you to pay them money to make bold promises they have no intention of filling.

In the past two months, I’ve received voicemails from two “publishers.” A quick Google search is usually all it takes to find out that these people are not representing legitimate publishing companies. I usually don’t respond to them. But when I do, I make it a point to ask them if they’re going to charge me for marketing or promotional services. If they say yes or refuse to answer clearly, I hang up and you should too.

I hope this helps any other aspiring writers out there. I urge every one of you to keep writing and keep fighting to get your book out there. Just make sure to avoid vanity press scams. They don’t care about helping you succeed. They just want to take your money, your book, and all the work that went into it.

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Announcement On Future Of This Site

I hope everyone had a great New Year. I also hope everyone is starting the new year on a high note and using it as an opportunity to chart a new path for themselves. To that end, I have an announcement to make and it’s an announcement that some might find disappointing.

For the past three years, going back to 2016, I’ve been writing constantly to add content to this site. In that time, I’ve talked about all sorts of issues, from my efforts to become a published author to controversial issues like abortion and religion to sexy short stories to my own personal issues. Make no mistake, I’ve enjoyed that experience. I’ve found it engaging, enlightening, and even a little fun.

However, I’ve been doing some serious contemplating for the past month. I’ve also been looking at the traffic stats over the past few years. While the traffic definitely grew to what I feel is a respectable point, I feel like I’ve reached a point where I can no longer justify the mount of time and effort that goes into constantly putting up content.

Writing articles, musings, and what not has helped attract new people to this site, but I don’t get the sense it’s doing anything productive for my endeavors. The traffic this site gets hasn’t turned into book sales or improved my chances with publishers. If anything, it takes away time I could be using to write more novels and explore new opportunities.

Believe me, if there were more hours in the day or if I got rich overnight somehow, I would gladly keep writing more content for this site. However, I simply cannot justify that effort anymore.

That’s not to say I’m shutting down this site or anything of the sort. It just means I’ll be cutting back significantly on what I post. I haven’t gotten much feedback on my articles. Even when I write something that get a response on Reddit, the comments don’t translate into much in terms of comments, retweets, or sales.

There are still some things I want to continue. I do want to continue my weekly Sexy Sunday Thoughts. I like writing those and the reward for that goes beyond clicks or likes. I’d also like to keep reviewing comics, but I may hold off on doing weekly reviews, unless I have something I feel is worth sharing. I intend to do that for movies too.

I’m honestly not sure what to do with this site moving forward.

I’m not even sure how I’ll continue to pursue a career in writing.

I’ve been searching for opportunities, but few are panning out. There are some options that I’m looking into, but it remains to be seen whether they’ll pan out. I still want to become a successful writer one day. I just don’t know how to go about it at this point and this site is just not helping in that effort as much as I’d hoped.

That may change. I hope it does change. I’d love to make a living writing the stuff I write. I don’t know if that’s possible right now, but I’m going to hold out hope and keep trying. That’s all I can do.

If you have any ideas or just want to comment, I’m happy to listen. Thanks to all those who regularly visit this site, some of which are my own friends and family. You’ve been very supportive and I can’t thank you enough for that. I hope it eventually pays off in a major way one day.


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Publishing Update: Another (Expected) Rejection


I just wanted to post a quick update on my publishing efforts, which I know I haven’t talked much about lately. There’s a reason for that, though. For the past couple months, I’ve been working with a former publisher to re-acquire the rights to a manuscript that was edited and prepared for publication a couple years ago.

That process took longer than I’d hoped, but it went through and I tried to re-submit the manuscript to the same publisher that published “Passion Relapse” and “Rescued Hearts.” I did this knowing it was somewhat of a long shot because my last three manuscripts to this publisher had been rejected. I felt if I could get this through, we would be back on track.

Sadly, that didn’t happen. Earlier today, I got a rejection letter. It wasn’t the rude kind, though. The editor offered me a sincere apology that they would not be able to publish my work. She claimed that things have been rough for small to mid-tier publishers. Unless your J. K. Rowling or Stephen King, it’s just hard to get any major project off the ground. I can understand that, but a rejection is a rejection.

I believe that after this, I’m done with that particular publisher. I’m not entirely sure of my next step. I’m still sitting on several finished manuscripts and one that is already professionally edited and ready to go. I’m not sure where to turn to next. I’m thinking of giving Writers Market a chance, but this is the part of the business I still don’t know much about.

When it comes to writing a novel or a sexy short story, I know how to do that. When it comes to the business and marketing side of things, though, I’m pretty ignorant. I’ll keep feeling my way around in the dark, hoping I’ll stumble across something. For now, though, my publishing efforts are a bit on hold. I hope it doesn’t stay that way. If anything changes, I’ll announced it in between sexy short stories.

To everyone who has supported and encouraged my efforts, I sincerely thank you.


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Milestones, Publishing Plans, And Gratitude


It’s been a while since I’ve talked about my ongoing efforts to further my career as an aspiring erotica/romance writer. It’s also been a while since I talked about the traffic volumes of this website. To be fair, recent events involving superhero movies, sex robots, and news involving frustrating social trends have given me plenty to write about. Even with those distractions, I know I’m due for an update of sorts.

First and foremost, I want to make clear that I’m still working hard at breaking into the world of publishing. While “Passion Relapse” and “Rescued Hearts” marked my first novels that were officially published, thanks to Totally Entwined Group, I had hoped they would be a stepping stone. That hasn’t quite worked out.

For the past few months, I’ve been shopping multiple manuscripts that I’ve been sitting on for a while now. However, much to my dismay, none have been accepted for publication. While Totally Entwined Group has been wonderfully helpful every step of the way, they’ve chosen to go in a different direction and I’m almost back at square one.

I say almost because, as I write this, I’ve got another novel that has been in publishing limbo for over a year now. That novel, “Embers of Eros,” was accepted a while back by a small publisher for consideration. I got news just a few weeks ago that the publisher is shutting down and I’ll be getting the full rights to the novel back.

This novel was already professionally edited and even had cover art made for it. I’m hoping that will make it a more appealing offer for publishers or literary agents. I’m still working on the details since there is some paperwork involved, but I still hope to get that book published at some point.

While the news surrounding my novels hasn’t been that promising, things are going much better with my Sexy Short Stories. I began doing these late last year as an experiment in providing more diverse content on this site. The results exceeded my expectations.

The traffic generated by these stories has been growing steadily with each story. This past month, they’ve helped this site set yet another traffic milestone. According to my WordPress stats, this site generated over 22,000 views for June 2018. Some of my most heavily-trafficked pages included short stories like “The New Neighbor” and “The Camping Trip.”

To date, I’ve written 13 of these stories and I’ve plans to write many more. I’m not yet decided on the release schedule for them. I’m contemplating whether I should set a day aside for them like I do with my Sexy Sunday Thoughts. I’ve also thought about having a regular release schedule, such as releasing them on a bi-weekly basis.

These are all tentative plans, but with the way traffic has grown this past month, I really want to further those plans as much as possible. If anyone out there who has been regularly following this site has any preferences, comments, or suggestions, please let me know in the comments. I’m happy to listen to feedback of all kinds.

I still want to publish sexy novels. I still want to tell sexy stories and, hopefully, make a living from it. Things are a bit in flux now, but I’m going to keep at it. I have plenty of sexy ideas to share and I look forward to doing so.

In the meantime, I want to thank everyone who has helped this site grow so much in recent months. From the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate it. I hope to keep this site growing as much as possible. If that means stepping up my efforts in telling even sexier stories, then so be it.


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Publishing Efforts Update: ANOTHER REJECTION

A while back, I announced that I had submitted a manuscript for what I’d hoped would be my third published novel. I’d submitted it to the same publisher that had previously published my first two novels, “Passion Relapse” and “Rescued Hearts.” I hoped to continue building a larger catalog with them in the name of building a stronger partnership.

Well, I’m sorry to say that I heard back from them and the news was not what I had hoped. For the second submission in a row, I got a rejection letter. It wasn’t a mean one. The editors I work with are incredibly considerate and given all the submissions they get, they’ve been wonderful to work with every step of the way. Unfortunately, they just couldn’t get behind my story.

It is disappointing. I had high hopes for this manuscript. I wrote it with the intention of making it a real niche title that would’ve appeal to a specific segment of the erotica/romance market. I thought that would give it more appeal than the last manuscript I submitted. I guess I was mistaken.

I’m not sure what I’ll do with this or the other one they rejected. I’m still struggling to find other publishers who are willing to hear me out. However, I am not discouraged and I still intent to keep submitting.

As I write this, I’m putting what I hope to be the finishing touches on my next manuscript. This one is a bit more general and should appeal to more romance fans. It has many similar elements to “Passion Relapse” and “Rescued Hearts.” I have high hopes for it and hope to submit it soon. I also have another draft that I’m hoping to finish in the coming weeks.

In any case, I have plenty of sexy stories to tell, including more sexy short stories. This is a setback, but it’s not a defeat.

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Filed under Books, Pubilishing, erotica, Las Vegas, erotic fiction, romance, Crimson Frost Books, Jack Fisher's Insights

“Rescued Hearts” Now Available For Pre-Order!


It’s a new year full of new opportunities, but some of us are just trying to get through the winter before we freeze to death. I try to do my part, keeping people warm with sexy thoughts and reminders that the world is getting better. At the end of the day, though, I’m still an aspiring erotica/romance writer and I’m still working hard to achieve my dream of being a successful writer.

Another step in that endeavor is that much closer. Last year, I proudly announced the upcoming release of my second published novel, “Rescued Hearts.” My publisher, Totally Entwined Group, took a chance on me with “Passion Relapse” and they see fit to take another with a second novel.

As it stands, the release date of February 20th, 2018 is still on. It’s still the middle of winter so I hope it’s hot enough and sexy enough to get everyone through the last stretch of winter. With that date now less than a month away, I’m proud to announce that pre-orders for “Rescued Hearts” are now available!

“Rescued Hearts” Pre-Order

If you wish to be the first to check out this sexy story, then I highly recommend pre-ordering it to ensure it’s either on its way in the mail or beamed right to whatever eBook reading device you prefer. If you enjoyed “Passion Relapse,” then I believe you’ll enjoy “Rescued Hearts” for a very different set of reasons.

I’m excited and eager to promote the hell out of this novel once it comes out. For those looking to get ahead of the curve, though, now is the time. Pre-order your copy now and get ready to feel a little hotter this winter for the sexiest possible reasons. Until then, do what you can to stay warm and sexy.

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Happy Labor Day 2017!

Today is Labor Day, that bittersweet day where we all acknowledge that summer is over, school is back in session, and our chances of seeing beautiful women in bikinis declines significantly. Unless you live in a tropical climate, in which case Labor Day is just another day off work, it’s basically the last chance to capture the sexiness of summer.

I like to think I’ve made the most of my summer. I managed to finish editing my next novel, “Rescued Hearts.” I took a trip to the beach, which was a lot of fun and very inspirational for future sexy stories. Sure, I got sunburned a few times and spent a good chunk of every day sweating my sexy, manly ass off, but it was so worth it.

Now, it’s almost over. Pretty soon, I’ll have to find a more subtle way to be sexy because the weather is about to get cold, the leaves are about to change, and working up a sexy sweat will be that much more difficult. I’ll find a way, though. I wouldn’t be much of an aspiring erotica/romance writer if I didn’t.

I hope everyone else finds a way as well to stay sexy in the coming winter. I also hope everyone takes advantage of this last summer holiday. Get outside. Go to the beach. Soak up some sun and admire the sexy swimsuits one last time. It may be a while before you can admire them again.

So on behalf of myself and all the sexy stories I write, happy Labor Day! Here’s to a successful summer and a hopefully sexy winter.

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(Yet) Another Milestone!

It’s been yet another record month for me and this blog. I know I’ve been saying that fairly regularly lately, but it’s worth belaboring. This blog is growing. My footprint on the vast, endless abyss of cat videos, porn, and message boards is growing. It’s not growing by a lot, but it’s still growing so I’ll take it.

Last month, this blog topped 1,800 views. That’s a full 200 more than the previous month. Based on the raw numbers, my posts about love lessons from X-men comics, advances in tit technology, and some celebrity crap really attracted some buzz. I hope to keep growing it in the months to come.

I always want this blog to grow. I want awareness of my work to grow, both for my novels and for my own growing skill. Now that I’m accepting donations and tips on this site, I hope I can turn it into a career. I understand that’s not going to happen overnight, but I’m willing to put in the work.

So to all those who regularly read this blog and enjoy my writing, I sincerely appreciate it. I hope that support continues and grows.

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Now Taking Donations For My Work

In case some of you haven’t noticed, in which case maybe it’s my fault for being too subtle, I made a little addition to this blog. It now has a special donation page that you can use to support it by contributing however much you can spare. It’s my first real attempt to get some money out of this blog, other than selling my novels.

I’m not going to be coy about it. I’m not going to be some shady televangelist either and claim that donating to this blog will solve any of your problems. I’m basically a guy on the street, playing an instrument, hoping to earn a few bucks with his skill. This blog is that instrument.

I’ve been working on it for over a year. In that time, I’ve talked about everything from sex robots to sex-positive superheroes to Wonder Woman’s BDSM history to virtue signaling to advances in contraception to smart sex toys to caveman logic. I try to offer a diverse, interesting, and sexy range of topics that go beyond my novels. I want this blog to be a hub for a unique world that you can’t experience anywhere else.

I’ve long thought about monetizing my site. Since I began putting effort into this blog, I’ve seen traffic steadily grow. I’m averaging over 1,000 views a month. I know that’s not a lot in an internet full of cat videos, porn, and laughing babies. It’s a start, though. I want to do what I can to expand my little sliver of the internet. If that sliver can help me sell more novels and make a few extra bucks, then I’ll consider that a success.

Now, I thought about upgrading my WordPress account to allow ads for this site. I am willing to do that at some point. However, before I resort to blanketing this site with ads, which I know many users find annoying, I want to try something simpler. Donations is as simple as it gets.

Just click on the Donations page at the top of the site or click on the PayPal icon on the front page and that will take you to a PayPal site where you can donate. I accept any amount other than a dollar. I’m not asking for someone to pay my mortgage off or something. I’m just asking for whatever change you can spare. Any amount helps keep this blog free of ads and focused on sexier topics.

So please, if you can, take some time to donate to this blog and support my efforts to make a living talking about fun, sexy topics while writing hot, sexy novels. The more resources I have, the more time and energy I can dedicate to these efforts. Call it a donation. Call it a tip. Call it pity for someone trying to make a living talking about sexy issues. It doesn’t matter. Any reason or excuse for donating is okay with me.


Thank you and I promise not to beg for donations too much. I hope as traffic for this site grows, new opportunities will emerge. Like I said, I want to make a living with this, writing sexy stories and talking about sexy issues. I’m willing to put in the work to achieve this, but I need support from others to make it a reality. So please donate what you can and help me make this world better, sexier, and everything in between.

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The Attention Economy (And Why It’s Ruining The Internet)

Here’s a little pop quiz that most people will probably fail. What is the most valuable asset in today’s modern economy? Go on, take a few minutes if you have to. I know it sounds like an easy question to answer, but it’s still worth thinking about.

Is it gold? Historically, it is one of mankind’s most valuable materials.

Is it money? That makes sense. People call it the root of all evil for a reason.

Is it knowledge? Smart people can be pretty damn successful.

Actually, it’s none of these. Even money, that one major driving force behind every major heist movie, is not nearly as valuable in today’s economy as it was 50 years ago. If anything, it’s losing its value and becoming an increasingly esoteric concept, so much so that we consider bits of computer code to be money.

There is, in fact, one other asset whose value exceeds them all. We know this because businesses, artists, and even horny people trying to get laid go to obscene, if not annoying, lengths to get it.

That’s right. I’m talking about that most precious of assets that drives the entire modern economy. I’m talking about attention.

Yes, that word deserves bold and italicized fonts. It’s just that important. It may seem like hyperbole to those still used to picking out pocket change between couch cushions. It’s not like you can tip a stripper with attention. However, give it just a little bit of thought. It won’t take much to realize just how important it is. It doesn’t just drive the economy. It drives (or hinders) our love lives.

I know this because it ties directly into my ongoing efforts to be an erotica/romance writer. It also ties into my efforts to make this blog a successful supplement to those efforts. There’s a good reason I try to avoid overly boring topics and talk about kinky things that both raise eyebrows and moisten panties. It’s a way for drawing attention to my work. It is, without a doubt, the greatest challenge I face as a writer.

Talk to anyone who has ever worked in marketing, whether it’s selling books or diamond-encrusted dildos. They’ll probably say the same thing, although the people selling dildos will probably have better stories. The hardest part of selling anything is getting peoples’ attention.

I know I keep referencing this same famous movie clip, but it’s just that powerful. It keeps finding new ways to be applicable to so many things, from making money to finding love. There’s a reason why Alec Baldwin won an Oscar for it. It’s the same reason why you don’t hear from a lot of other Baldwins these days.

Between the bragging, bullying, and brass ball props that Baldwin’s character uses, the most important part of his distinctly de-motivational speech is the A.I.D.A. method he describes. That’s attention, interest, decision, and action. Every major marketing method follows this model to some extent, but it’s that first step that is most vital.

It’s also the step that is most difficult, especially in the era of 350 channels, YouTube celebrities, and internet memes. For most of the modern era, we had only a handful of TV channels, newspapers, and methods for disseminating information. It used to be that a few strategically placed commercials during the Super Bowl would be enough to generate the attention you needed.

Those days are deader than analog cables and betamax. Instead, you have hundreds of channels containing countless shows, stories and sites doing anything and everything to get every last second of your attention. Is it really that surprising that the gratuitous violence/nudity on “Game of Thrones” and iconic franchises like “Star Wars” have become the new standard?

These things get your attention. These things get people talking. It’s only after you have someone’s attention that you can even begin to plan on how you’ll get them to pay for your product and/or have sex with you. In an era of so many choices and so few opportunities, attention might as well be encrusted in polished diamonds.

It’s because that attention is so valuable, so much so that it’s become the main currency of the modern era, that the internet is changing and not necessarily for the better. Spend more than five minutes on the internet, whether you’re checking your email or watching porn, and chances are you’ve run into a little something called clickbait.

In the attention economy, clickbait is akin to the muggers who beat up sick orphans while drunks throw pennies at them. It is the clogged toilet and overflowing septic tank of the internet. They are sites, ads, and shady tactics meant to draw you away from productive activities, like checking your email or reading this blog, and into some buggy, browser-crashing site meant to extract your attention and credit card information.

We’ve all seen them. The names of the sites and the annoying ads they post are ridiculous. Sometimes, it’s painfully obvious. However, it’s still tempting at times to click on them and that’s exactly what makes clickbait so evil.

Like it or not, people need to make a living. Websites need to make money. I need to make money. I can’t tell sexy erotica/romance stories without a roof over my head, food on my plate, and a reliable internet connection. That’s why I promote my novels every chance I get. I haven’t resorted to clickbait yet, but it is tempting. It’s also very frustrating.

I’ve seen the same internet as everybody else. I’m just as annoyed by the abundance of clickbait as everyone else. It’s hard to even trust the text within a link these days. At the same time, however, I can understand the intent behind it.

People are trying to make money. They can’t do that unless they get the attention of customers. The problem is that as the size and prevalence of the internet has increased, our capacity for attention has not. We humans only have so much brain matter in our skulls. That brain can only give a finite amount of attention to a handful of things at any given time.

Until we can start augmenting our brains, which Elon Musk is working on as we speak, this limitation isn’t going to change. We’ll still only be able to give a certain amount of attention to ourselves, mass media, and each other. As such, the amount of clickbait we see on the internet is only going to increase. The sheer absurdity of the headlines is likely to increase as well. I’ll give everyone a moment to shudder.

It’s unavoidable, but understandable. The internet may seem infinite, if only because of the varieties of porn it stores, but it’s not. It can’t run itself for free either. It needs to make money somehow and nobody seems to want to pay for it. Why else would some people resort to Kickstarter, which is basically digital begging, to fund movies?

We’re all guilty of it. I certainly am. I’ll whine constantly about pop-up ads and video ads on a site, but refuse to pay the extra $10 for the “premium” version that removes the ads. While some feel that kind of service is exploitive on the same level as price gouging for medicine, it makes sense. Again, the people managing these sites need to make money and nobody seems keen to want to give it.

The internet will continue to evolve, as it always has. That evolution will be driven primarily by a desire to turn a profit. Unfortunately, no profits can be made unless someone gets enough attention first. As evil and annoying as clickbait may be, we have only ourselves to blame for its existence. At least for now, it’s here to stay. The best we can do is grit our teeth, read some sexy novels, and endure.


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