Category Archives: Marvel

Why Spider-Man Should NOT Be Broke

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video explores the long-standing, but very much outdated trope of Spider-Man being broke. Like most mainstream superheroes, Spider-Man is subject to a lot of recurring tropes. Most involve his personal life.

However, I don’t think the overplayed plots about him being broke get enough attention. In addition to breaking down why this makes no sense, I also highlight a few other jobs or careers that would easily ensure Spider-Man never has to worry about money. Enjoy!

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Filed under Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man, superhero comics, YouTube

Ultimate Marvel Universe 6160: The State Of This New Marvel Universe And Its Ultimate Future

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

It’s been a year since Marvel launched and all-new, all-different Ultimate Universe. Jonathan Hickman got things going with Ultimate Invasion. Since then, multiple new series have come out. And the aftermath of Ultimate Invasion has been building towards a major showdown against the Maker’s Council.

In this video, I take a moment to reflect on how far this new Ultimate Universe has come in the past year, where it may go moving forward, and potential pitfalls it may encounter along the way. Enjoy!

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Filed under Marvel, X-men, YouTube

Ultimates #1 Review: The Ultimate Fix

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video is my review of Deniz Camp’s Ultimates #1 and what it means for the future of this new Ultimate Universe. Enjoy!

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Filed under comic book reviews, Marvel, YouTube

Jack’s CreepyPastas: The Total Discipline Policy

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video is a CreepyPasta story about a creepy school with a harsh discipline policy that I wrote and narrated myself. Enjoy!

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Filed under CreepyPasta, horror, Marvel, YouTube

X-Men 97 Season 2 Theories And Predictions

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video is a list of theories and predictions about what to expect in season two of X-Men 97. The first season didn’t just wildly exceed my expectations. It laid a rich foundation on which to build. The season one finale offered plenty of clues. This is just me following those teases to what may lie ahead for this uncanny series. Enjoy!

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Filed under Marvel, superhero comics, X-men, YouTube

X-Men Krakoa Post-Mortem: An Uncanny Dream With A Nightmare Ending

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video is a post-mortem and an overall breakdown of the end of the Krakoa era in the X-Men comics. What started with House of X/Powers of X and ended with Fall of X, the X-Men underwent some of the biggest upheavals the franchise has experienced since the Chris Claremont era. It laid a new foundation unlike anything we’d seen before with the X-Men.

Then, Fall of X came and brought it to an ugly, destructive end.

There’s a lot to be said about the Krakoa era, what led up to it, and what will come after it. I do my best share my sentiments, my hopes, and what this era means to me and other X-Men fans. Enjoy!

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Filed under Marvel, superhero comics, X-men, YouTube

Jack Quick Reacts: X-Men 97 Season 1 Finale

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video is my quick, unscripted reaction to the season one finale of X-Men 97. I had such high expectations for this show. And now that the first season is over, I can safely say it delivered! It really was something special. It didn’t just reintroduce the X-Men in a big, bold way. It laid a truly uncanny foundation to build on. Enjoy!

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Filed under Jack's World, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-men, YouTube

Dr. Doom vs. Emperor Palpatine: Who Is The Better Ruler?

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video analyzes two iconic villains who seek to rule over all, Emperor Palpatine and Dr. Doom.

Which is the better ruler?

Who would you rather live under?

How does their agenda make them great villains?

There’s a lot to consider when reviewing their personas, their backstories, and their capabilities. But when it comes to villainous rulers, these two set the highest of bars. Enjoy!

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Filed under Jack's World, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars, superhero comics, YouTube

Ultimate Spider Man #4 Review: Power, Responsibility, And Date Night!

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video is my full review of Ultimate Spider-Man #4 by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto. Enjoy!

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Filed under Jack's World, Marvel, Spider-Man, superhero comics, YouTube

Ultimate Black Panther #3 Review: Kings, Secrets, And Connections

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video is my full review of Ultimate Black Panther #3 by Bryan Hill and Stefano Casalli. War is raging between Wakanda and the forces of Khonshu and Ra. The order the Maker created is seeking to preserve its power and even strengthen it.

But fighting this war means uncovering buried secrets. That leads T’Challa to team up with Killmonger and Storm to find out just what the Maker’s Council is after. Enjoy!

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Filed under comic book reviews, Jack's World, Marvel, YouTube