Tag Archives: holidays

Merry Christmas 2023: Celebrating And Cherishing My Growing World

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video is a special Christmas message, as well as a celebration for how far this channel has come in 2023. Enjoy!

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The Christmas Chronicles: A Perfect Modern Christmas Movie

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This festive video celebrates “The Christmas Chronicles.” It has become one of my favorite holiday movies and it’s something I find myself watching often during the holiday season. It’s a newer entry into the crowded world of Christmas movies, but I genuinely believe that this movie has everything you’d want in a modern Christmas movie. Enjoy!

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Happy Thanksgiving 2023!

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, this video is a special message from me to those I’m thankful for. Enjoy!

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Memories, Hopes, And Cheer: Merry Christmas 2022!

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video is a brief message of hope and fond memories about Christmas and the coming new year.

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Some Quick Gift Advice For Holiday Shopping

The holiday season is officially here!

Saying that should no longer earn any whining or complaints about Christmas displays going up too early. It’s December now. All our Thanksgiving leftovers have since gone bad. It’s perfectly acceptable to fully embrace the spirit and aesthetics of the season. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, at least acknowledge that it’s now entirely appropriate to engage in any number of holiday activities.

I know that’s easy for a guy like me to say. I’ve said before that I take Christmas more seriously than most. I’m the kind of guy who has his Christmas tree up and decorated by Halloween. I’m also the kind of guy who tries to finish all his Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. As I write this, I am done. I’ve completed my shopping and most of those gifts are already wrapped.

I understand this makes me an outlier or an overachiever. I also understand that while many people do have their decorations up, their Christmas shopping may not be over or even started.

Seriously, if you haven’t started your Christmas shopping yet, you’re bound to make it more stressful in the long run. It’s getting to a point where you might be pushing it with respect to finding that special gift for that special someone.

But what exactly goes into a great gift? That’s actually something I’ve learned and refined over the years. I’ve talked about it before, but I feel I should expand on it a bit. I notice that, as I’ve gotten older, it gets a bit harder to buy meaningful Christmas gifts. At a certain age, your family and loved ones really don’t need much from you anymore, aside from your presence and your love during this special time of year.

I know it sounds cheesy, but make no mistake. That really does matter. Just being there and being present on Christmas is often the best gift you can give for some people. That’s all well and good. But like I said, I try to overachieve on the holidays. That means I’ll still try to get that special someone a gift. Sometimes, it’s easy because my friends and family will actually provide a list for me. I always appreciate that and I encourage others to make it easier for their loved ones in that regard.

Granted, sometimes I do have to bug my family and friends for that list, but it’s often worthwhile. You just have to be patient with them, especially the ones with kids. Sometimes, you will end up buying something that the kids love, but the parents hate. As someone with multiple nieces and nephews, I can confirm this conflict. I can also confirm it often makes for great holiday memories.

That being said, I do have some new advice to share for those still struggling to complete their Christmas shopping. Since we’re getting into the heart of the holiday season, I think the time is right to share this. So, here are a few extra tips that I hope will help.

Tip #1: Bigger might not always be better, but sentimental is always better. Don’t just get a gift you think someone wants. Make sure there’s some sentimental aspect behind it, be it a personal photo or something that conjures a memory. An inexpensive baseball glove can sometimes become a kid’s most prized possession if he grows to love baseball.

Tip #2: Customize a gift if possible. You can buy all types of earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. Most do little to stand out. But one that happens to be engraved with a quote from a loved one or an image of a friend can make it all the more valuable. Even a cheap keychain can be made special if it has a picture of someone’s first child.

Tip #3: Consider the fun factor. For kids and adults alike, don’t just think about how expensive or popular a gift is. Consider how much fun you’ll have with it. A toy is only as great as the fun it conjures. The same goes for adults. A book is all well and good, but a loved one might have a lot more fun with a deck of Cards Against Humanity.

Tip #4: A gift can also be an experience. Some people don’t care much for material gifts. They’re more inclined to embrace experiences. That’s why concert tickets or tickets to a sporting event can be very memorable. One year, a relative of mine got tickets to opening day for the baseball season. He still ranks it as one of his favorite gifts of all time. You can even get creative with the presentation. Put the gift in a big box and weigh it down with rocks. That’ll be both surprising and memorable.

Tip #5: Supplement a big gift with something smaller. Sometimes, a big gift is definitely the way to go. But it works even better if you can supplement it somehow. If you buy a pitching net for a kid, add in some new baseballs or a new glove. Let the gifts have both a personal touch and an overall experience. It shows you’re willing to put in the extra effort.

Tip #6: Use every opportunity for a surprise. You can get someone a mundane gift that they asked for. That’s all well and good. But if you see an opportunity to surprise them in a good way, take it. I know someone who once got a book he asked for, but there were concert tickets in the cover. Their reaction was just priceless.

These are just a few tips from a veteran holiday enthusiast. I hope they help you in your holiday shopping this year and in future years. Take it from me. A great gift can have an impact that goes far beyond the holidays.

Happy Holidays and Happy Holiday Shopping!

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Some Post-Thanksgiving Workout Tips (And Tweaks To My Current Routine)

I had an awesome Thanksgiving last week. I really did enjoy spending time with my family, enjoying a hardy feast, and watching plenty of football, both NFL and NCAA.

Unfortunately, those good times do come at a price. I consumed more calories in the span of three days than I usually do over the course of a week. To be fair, that’s common for a lot of people, even those who are very health conscious. For the sake of the Thanksgiving spirit and family, we set aside our diets and just let ourselves gorge for a few days.

Personally, I think I overdid it. Anyone who was with me on Thanksgiving can attest that I ate more than my share of the turkey and deserts. It was a festive environment and we all savored every bite. For that, I have no regrets.

But that does mean the last few days have been particularly arduous when it comes to my exercise routine. I’ve noted before that I go to the gym quite frequently. I actually go more frequently now than I did before the COVID-19 pandemic. I rarely skip workouts, even around holidays. But even when I don’t skip a trip to the gym, I definitely feel it when I eat a lot of calories.

I suspect I’m not the only one dealing with that. I also suspect more than a few people are trying to get back into a healthy routine after all the family, feasts, and desserts. If you are, then I hope you find this helpful because I’d like to share a few tips on post-Thanksgiving workouts. I’m sharing it because there is a right and wrong way to do it. I know because the day after Thanksgiving, I’m pretty sure I did it the wrong way and was very sore for a while because of it.

You don’t need to go through that pain, nor should you.

Also, I always feel inclined to note that I am not a personal trainer. I would never claim to be an expert at exercise, health, or getting into shape. I’m just sharing my experience and strategies in hopes that others will find it useful. I’m not even charging anyone for it. This is completely free advice.

The first tip I’d like to give is that, if you had a regular routine before Thanksgiving, do not try and go straight back to it the day after you’ve consumed so many calories. Your body just went through an abnormal experience that is holiday festivities. You can’t expect it to quickly re-adjust as though it never happened.

You will hurt yourself. I know because I badly strained my quad, chest, and abdominal muscles. It hurt more than I care to admit.

The second tip I’d like to offer is that, when it comes to consume lots of calories, cardio should be a greater priority over weight training. Even if you’re primarily focused on building muscle mass, it’s necessary to do extra cardio after consuming excess calories. That means a bit more time running outdoors, running on a treadmill, or using an exercise bike or elliptical. I’ve done a little of everything in that regard. And even just doing an extra 10 to 15 minutes of cardio makes a huge difference.

It’s primarily a matter of physics. You eat a lot of calories. You need to burn them off. Cardio, in addition to helping with blood flow and heart health, burns more calories than lifting weights. Eating all that turkey just means having to burn extra.

The third and final tip I’d like to offer has to do with how you go about weight training. Depending on your goals, you either try to do a few reps with heavy weights, usually 5 rep sets of 5, or lots of reps with lighter weights. For the most part, I’ve favored doing fewer reps with heavy weights. That’s fairly common for men looking to add muscle mass, whereas the higher reps with lower weights are common for women looking to slim down.

I had to change that recently to ensure I don’t strain my body more than I should. So, in the interest of burning off my holiday calories, I’ve started doing more reps per set with fewer sets. This way, I can emphasize good form and work to strain the muscles more concisely rather than using brute strength with lower reps. I’ve already found this to be quite effective in that I get a good burn going, but with less painful strain.

To illustrate, this is the current workout I’m using for most of my gym trips:

Start off with 35 minutes of cardio, either on an elliptical or running outside.

Do 100 weighted ab crunches (basically a crunch with a free weight on your chest).

Then, I do a the following weight training routine.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps of a butterfly curls (machine or free weights).

Do 3 sets of 20 reps of reverse butterfly curls.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps of bicep curls.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps for tricep extensions.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps of shoulder press.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps of lat pull downs.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps for leg press.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps for leg extensions.

Do 2 sets of 20 reps of pull-ups.

In general, this routine takes me about an hour and 15 minutes. I’ve been doing it for a few days now and I’m already feeling much better in terms of energy, mood, and fitness. I still do my other routine of doing 5 sets of 5 reps with more weight. But I’m thinking of maybe alternating the days when I do that in order to get the most benefits out of my workout.

One general rule of exercise is that if your body gets too used to one particular thing, it ceases to be as effective. That’s why it’s important to mix things up. It keeps the workout interesting and it helps get you better results in the long run.

Chances are I’ll probably tweak this workout as time goes on. If I uncover other useful tips, I’ll be sure to share them and they’ll continue to be free.

We all need to take time to enjoy the holidays with our families and get off our diet for a while. And if the price for doing so is more time at the gym to stay strong, healthy, and sexy, I say that’s a price worth paying.

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My Holiday Gift Wrapping Traditions And “Hawkeye” On Disney+

When it comes to the holiday, I like to go the extra mile and then some.

Talk to any of my friends, family, or relatives. They’ll attest that I take Christmas a lot more seriously than most. I’m the kind of guy who has his Christmas decorations up by Halloween and finishes his Christmas shopping two weeks before Thanksgiving. They’ll also attest that when it comes to gift giving, I don’t hold back. I’ll gladly spend extra and work a little harder in order to present the perfect gift to my loved ones.

That doesn’t always mean I buy something expensive or fancy. It just means I try to get something that’s memorable, sentimental, and unique. Basically, if you’re on my Christmas list, then you can expect to get an awesome gift at some point. That’s just how I approach the holidays and I make no apologies for that.

In addition to my love of giving awesome gifts, I have a few other smaller Christmas traditions that I genuinely enjoy. They may not sound like much to most people, but they’re a big part of why I love this time of year so much. And one of those traditions is just beginning, but it’s also a tradition that’s worth supplementing.

Like I said, I try to get my Christmas shopping done at least a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. As a result, that usually means I have a lot of things to wrap around this time of year. It’s not unusual for me to spend an entire Saturday or Sunday afternoon wrapping presents. To some, it’s a chore. But to me, it’s one of my favorite holiday activities.

I don’t know why. I just get a special kind of satisfaction whenever I wrap Christmas presents for my friends and family.

One part that adds to that enjoyment has to do with how I go about it. Usually when I have a lot of gifts to wrap, I put on one of my favorite Christmas movies or shows. Sometimes, it’s one of the classics like the “Charlie Brown Christmas Special.” Other times, it’s something newer like “The Christmas Chronicles” or “Klaus.” They’re all great Christmas shows and movies. However, last year I discovered another that I’ve added to my holiday playlist. And it’s one I didn’t expect would be so festive.

It’s the Disney+ series, “Hawkeye.”

Now, that may not seem too surprising. I’ve done plenty to make my love of all things Marvel known on this site and my YouTube channel. And while I was certainly aware of “Hawkeye” when it began airing late last year, I was genuinely surprised by how great it worked as a holiday special.

Even though its primary setting unfolded around the holidays and it had a lot of Christmas imagery, I still didn’t expect it to feel like a true Christmas show. I expected it to be another solid entry in the ever-expanding world that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And in that sense, it certainly was. If its primary goal was to introduce the audience to Kate Bishop, then the show definitely succeeded. Being a solid Christmas show would’ve just been a nice bonus.

But it turned out to be more than just a bonus.

This limited series had genuine heart and spirit to go along with the standard Marvel Studios formula for action, character, and continuity. It wasn’t just about how Kate Bishop became Hawkeye’s young protege. It is very much a show about family and how hard you’re willing to fight to protect them, especially around the holidays. It’s also a show that emphasizes the power of found family and finding a place with people who you might not be related to, but still come to love and cherish.

Yes, there’s still plenty of action and it does build on how much the MCU changed after the events of “Avengers: Endgame.”

Yes, it still sets the stage for future stories, especially with Kate Bishop.

But, even without the heroics and action, it’s still a damn good Christmas story. And unlike last year, you don’t have to wait a week for new episodes. The show is up on Disney+ and ready to binge. And I’ve every intention of binging it again in its entirety in the coming days.

Even if you’re not a Marvel fans, the show still stands well enough on its own to enjoy as a typical Christmas special. It has all the right ingredients for a quality Christmas themed show. And it has moments that will get most anyone into the holiday spirit. So, if you’re looking for a different kind of Christmas special to watch this year or have Marvel fans in your family, check out “Hawkeye.”

It has already become a solid entry in my list of beloved holiday specials. Give it a chance and I hope it becomes part of yours.

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Happy Black Friday (And Post-Thanksgiving Recovery)!

I hope everyone had a safe, happy, and filling Thanksgiving. I certainly did. For that, I must credit my wonderful family. My parents, especially, organized an incredible feast, complete with a delicious turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I still managed to contribute someone. I’m usually responsible for making desserts, which usually involve cookies. They were still good, but I feel like my parents did most of the heavy lifting.

Now, after spending a good chunk of yesterday and this morning in a food coma, I’m ready for my second favorite holiday tradition for this time of year. And that’s Black Friday shopping.

I know. Black Friday is very much an overly commercialized holiday that’s primarily a marketing gimmick.

Yes, I know it’s meant to cater to those who either make shopping a much bigger deal than it needs to be.

No, I do not care.

I know it’s weird for a straight man, but I genuinely enjoy shopping. I especially enjoy Christmas shopping. I do suspect some of that comes from my mother. She has told me more than once that when I was a baby, one of her favorite things to do was take me shopping at the closest mall. I think that helped prime me for the joys of Black Friday shopping and for that, I am grateful.

But however you feel about shopping or Black Friday, this is a great day to take some of those calories you consumed and spend them in a productive manner. Christmas is just a month away and in my experience, there are no downsides to getting your shopping done as early as possible.

I’ve had most of my shopping done since the first week of November. However, I still go out on Black Friday because every now and then, I’ll come across something I feel will be the perfect gift for a friend or family member. Even if I’ve already bought that person a gift, I’ll still get it to make Christmas morning that much more special.

I hope to continue that tradition today. And after the events of the past two years, I hope the Black Friday festivities are back at full strength. Even with the rise of online shopping, there’s just something special about going to a mall or retail outlet to take in the ambience. I’ve always enjoyed it. I hope to continue enjoying it. And I encourage others to embrace that spirit.

Happy Black Friday!

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone reading this uses today to get those you care about something extra special.

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Thanksgiving 2022: A Thankful Message With Hopeful Sentiments

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video is just a brief message of thanks to friends, family, and those who have supported me and this this channel in the spirit of the holidays. Enjoy!

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Happy Easter 2022!

Today is Easter Sunday.

I know it’s not the most elaborate holiday. I also know it is founded in certain religious traditions, which may or may not apply to familiar festivities. It may not be a holiday on the same level as Christmas, Halloween, or even Arbor Day in terms of profile, but it’s still special holiday to many.

For me, personally, Easter has always had some unique connotations. For a family like mine, we never need too many excuses to get together and celebrate. We’ll use any excuse to just craft an elaborate feast and invite everyone we can to a certain location. It’s just how we connect, celebrate one another, and enjoy one another’s company.

Over the years, I’ve really come to appreciate that. I have some genuinely fond memories of Easter Sundays with my family. When I was a kid, it usually involved a big Easter Egg hunt with me, my siblings, and my many cousins. As an adult, it usually involves a nice feast that gives me a good excuse to cook fancy deserts that my friends and family love and cherish. The religious connotations are secondary. It’s the family moments we create that matter.

After the past two years, with the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting every single tradition we hold dear, I’ve come to appreciate those moments even more. This year will mark the first time my family has been able to enjoy a proper Easter Sunday gathering. For that, I am grateful and I intend to cherish it.

So, regardless of how you view this day, I hope everyone has a chance to do something special today. Even if it’s just something as simple as eating Easter themed candy, use today to celebrate. You don’t have to be religious or understand the elaborate history of the day. You just have to be willing to share a special moment with friends and loved ones. That’s what makes any holiday special.

With all that being said, I wish everyone a safe and happy Easter Sunday.

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