Tag Archives: Netflix Animation

The Dragon Prince Season 5: Review, Reaction, And Dark Trends

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video is my general review and reaction to Season 5 of the Dragon Prince. After Season 4 skipped ahead a couple years, this incredible fantasy world and its characters changed a great deal. But Season 5 moved things forward while building towards bigger and darker conflicts. Aaravos is still very much a mystery, but the threat he poses is still as ominous as ever. And this season offers some telling trends and themes that are worth highlighting. Enjoy!

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The Dragon Prince: Claudia’s Evolving Villainous Side (And The Implications)

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video explores the villain’s journey of Claudia in “The Dragon Prince.”

It was an unexpected journey at first. In the early seasons, Claudia came off as outgoing, bubbly, and creative. She also demonstrated a strong love and loyalty to her father, as well as her kingdom.

But after the events of Season 4, it’s clear now that Claudia has fallen down a very dark path. And Season 5 promises to be even darker as she willingly plays into Aaravos’ plans. Just how villainous will Claudia become in that process? Only time will tell.

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Why Do We Root For Characters Like Bojack Horseman?

This is another video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video is about unlikable characters and why we root for them. There have been no shortage of such characters over the years. But few have really resonated as much as Bojack Horseman. There are so many things unlikable about this character and over the course of his show, he does many objectively awful things. And yet, he’s still someone I found myself rooting for. Why is that? Why do we feel this way about certain characters? I don’t claim to know the answer, but I make an effort in this video. Enjoy!

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Hard Lessons In Redemption: Bojack Horseman Vs. Prince Zuko

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video is an exploration in how characters succeed or fail to redeem themselves. There are many characters in various mediums who walk the path of redemption, but not all complete it.

Bojack Horseman is one character who tried to walk it, but failed.

Prince Zuko is another who walked that path, but he managed to succeed.

How they each went about their respective journeys is unique and it offers some powerful lessons worth highlighting. Enjoy!

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Inside Job Season 2: The Heart, Vulnerability, And (Healthy Growth) Of Regan Ridley

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. In this video, I break down the character evolution of Reagan Ridley in Season 2 of Inside Job. It’s a loose follow-up of the first video I did on her. But with this one, I discuss how her journey builds on the larger themes of the show. Enjoy!

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Reagan Ridley: How To Craft A Damaged Character (The Right Way)

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video is a deeper exploration into the character of Reagan Ridley from the Netflix animated series, Inside Job. She’s a very flawed character and a very damaged character, as well. A great many of those characters have come about in recent years.

However, what makes Reagan stand out is how her flaws and damage are channeled into her story. And it’s a story worth highlighting and appreciating.

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Why You Should Watch “Castlevania” On Netflix This Halloween

When it comes to certain holidays, I tend to be more proactive than most people. Talk to anyone who knows me fairly well and they’ll attest that I’m the kind of guy who has his Christmas tree up the first week of November. It’s just part of who I am. For certain holidays, I like to draw out the festivities and the spirit in my own unique way.

One of those holidays happens to be Halloween. I’ve always been fond of Halloween and its various spooky themes. While I don’t decorate my home the same way I do with Christmas, I still try to get into the spirit. A big part of that spirit involves watching a bunch of horror movies and Halloween specials.

To that end, I’ve always had my share of favorites. A good slasher movie like “Friday The 13th” and the original “Halloween” is usually a good place to start. Plenty of shows also have great Halloween special, like the many Treehouse of Horror episodes from “The Simpsons” and “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.”

In more recent years, I’ve grown fond of some newer entries into my Halloween themed watch-list. Movies like “Happy Death Day” and “Hubie Halloween” have quickly become personal favorites of mine. But for Halloween this year, I’d like to offer another show that has steadily worked its way into my Halloween viewing list. It’s an animated series on Netflix called “Castlevania.”

Now, this is not a new show, relatively speaking. This show actually began airing in 2017 and when it began, it only had three episodes. Even though I watched those episodes and liked what I saw, it wasn’t even that clear that it would continue beyond that.

There was a good reason for that. This show was based off a video game by the same name. If you owned a Nintendo or Super Nintendo system back in the early to mid 1990s, you probably heard of “Castlevania” the game. And it was a damn good game, as well. It was often held in high regard for its gameplay and its monster hunting themes.

But since it emerged in the early era of gaming, it wasn’t particularly known for its story. I doubt it was ever at the top of anyone’s list in terms of video game franchises that deserved an adaptation. It certainly doesn’t help that video game adaptations have a rather nasty legacy of being terrible, regardless of whether they’re animated or live action.

Despite those limitations, Netflix dared to invest in “Castlevania.” It dared to give this franchise some full-scale world-building, taking iconic characters from the game and fleshing them out in a meaningful way. And the end result was truly remarkable.

This isn’t just a series that makes for good viewing during Halloween.

This is a legitimately well-written, well-developed show on every conceivable level.

Yes, it still has the armies of monsters, goblins, and demons that made the video game so iconic. But it also has a genuinely compelling story with genuinely well-rounded characters. Trevor Belmont, Sypha, Alucard, and even Vlad Dracula himself are given distinct, multi-layered character arcs that are all distinct. They all exist in a dark, flawed, and corrupt world set in Medieval Europe. It’s not a world driven by good or pure evil. Everything exists in varying shades of both. And everyone has agendas, goals, struggles, and burdens.

It’s also a show that really hits the ground running. It’s not a slow build towards the action. Within the first few minutes of the show, an innocent gets burned at the stake and Dracula goes on a grief-fueled rampage against the whole of humanity. It gets bloody, violent, and dark very quickly, all of which feel very appropriate for Halloween. But it also has moments of heart, introspection, and melodrama.

Seriously, there are moments within the brutal violence that are genuinely heartbreaking. But those moments only make the horror themes work even better.

The early seasons were good. That, I never denied. But once the later seasons came out and really completed the story, “Castlevania” became much more than a video game adaptation that didn’t suck. To me, it became a perfectly crafted horror story that maximized the appeal of vampires, magic, goblins, ghouls, and monsters.

Seriously, what more could you want from a Halloween story?

While “Castlevania” was never marketed as a Halloween story, it definitely checks most of the necessary boxes. So, if you’re looking for something new to add to your Halloween watch list this year, give Netflix’s “Castlevania” a watch. Even if it doesn’t get you into the Halloween spirit, it’s still a damn good show.

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The Dragon Prince: Can Lord Viren Be Redeemed? (And Should He Be?)

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video ponders a simple question about “The Dragon Prince,” as it stands after season three.

Can Lord Viren be redeemed?

Moreover, should he be?

With the recent announcement that season four is coming at some point in 2022, I felt like the time was right to explore this notion. He crossed a lot of lines in the first three seasons. And by season three, he became the greatest threat to humans and elves alike.

However, there are some larger complications to his descent. I try to break those down in this video while assessing both sides. We won’t know for sure what Viren’s fate will be until season four comes along. In the meantime, I hope this video offers plenty to think about. Enjoy!

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Lessons From Bojack Horseman: The Toxic Effect Of Celebrity

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video is my first deep dive into Bojack Horseman, one of my favorite shows of all time. This Netflix series was so groundbreaking in how it told the story of a washed-up sitcom star from the 90s, who just happened to be a talking horseman. It was funny, but dark at times.

Okay, it was dark most of the time. But that’s beside the point.

There this show offered so many profound themes and insights on everything from mental illness to toxic cycles. But in this video, I focus on how this show depicted the world of celebrity and celebrity culture. Because Bojack’s story can’t be told without also telling the story of a celebrity with a great many personal issue. And while his story is powerful, I also think it sheds a light on the dark side of being a celebrity and how it affects people.

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F Is For Family Season 5: A Bittersweet, But Insightful Finale

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. It is my full review, reaction, and analysis of season five of “F Is For Family,” the Netflix show from Bill Burr that threatens to put us through a fucking wall. Enjoy!

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