Tag Archives: Krakoa Era

X-Men Krakoa Post-Mortem: An Uncanny Dream With A Nightmare Ending

This is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World.

This video is a post-mortem and an overall breakdown of the end of the Krakoa era in the X-Men comics. What started with House of X/Powers of X and ended with Fall of X, the X-Men underwent some of the biggest upheavals the franchise has experienced since the Chris Claremont era. It laid a new foundation unlike anything we’d seen before with the X-Men.

Then, Fall of X came and brought it to an ugly, destructive end.

There’s a lot to be said about the Krakoa era, what led up to it, and what will come after it. I do my best share my sentiments, my hopes, and what this era means to me and other X-Men fans. Enjoy!

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Filed under Marvel, superhero comics, X-men, YouTube