Tag Archives: Kate Bishop

My Holiday Gift Wrapping Traditions And “Hawkeye” On Disney+

When it comes to the holiday, I like to go the extra mile and then some.

Talk to any of my friends, family, or relatives. They’ll attest that I take Christmas a lot more seriously than most. I’m the kind of guy who has his Christmas decorations up by Halloween and finishes his Christmas shopping two weeks before Thanksgiving. They’ll also attest that when it comes to gift giving, I don’t hold back. I’ll gladly spend extra and work a little harder in order to present the perfect gift to my loved ones.

That doesn’t always mean I buy something expensive or fancy. It just means I try to get something that’s memorable, sentimental, and unique. Basically, if you’re on my Christmas list, then you can expect to get an awesome gift at some point. That’s just how I approach the holidays and I make no apologies for that.

In addition to my love of giving awesome gifts, I have a few other smaller Christmas traditions that I genuinely enjoy. They may not sound like much to most people, but they’re a big part of why I love this time of year so much. And one of those traditions is just beginning, but it’s also a tradition that’s worth supplementing.

Like I said, I try to get my Christmas shopping done at least a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. As a result, that usually means I have a lot of things to wrap around this time of year. It’s not unusual for me to spend an entire Saturday or Sunday afternoon wrapping presents. To some, it’s a chore. But to me, it’s one of my favorite holiday activities.

I don’t know why. I just get a special kind of satisfaction whenever I wrap Christmas presents for my friends and family.

One part that adds to that enjoyment has to do with how I go about it. Usually when I have a lot of gifts to wrap, I put on one of my favorite Christmas movies or shows. Sometimes, it’s one of the classics like the “Charlie Brown Christmas Special.” Other times, it’s something newer like “The Christmas Chronicles” or “Klaus.” They’re all great Christmas shows and movies. However, last year I discovered another that I’ve added to my holiday playlist. And it’s one I didn’t expect would be so festive.

It’s the Disney+ series, “Hawkeye.”

Now, that may not seem too surprising. I’ve done plenty to make my love of all things Marvel known on this site and my YouTube channel. And while I was certainly aware of “Hawkeye” when it began airing late last year, I was genuinely surprised by how great it worked as a holiday special.

Even though its primary setting unfolded around the holidays and it had a lot of Christmas imagery, I still didn’t expect it to feel like a true Christmas show. I expected it to be another solid entry in the ever-expanding world that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And in that sense, it certainly was. If its primary goal was to introduce the audience to Kate Bishop, then the show definitely succeeded. Being a solid Christmas show would’ve just been a nice bonus.

But it turned out to be more than just a bonus.

This limited series had genuine heart and spirit to go along with the standard Marvel Studios formula for action, character, and continuity. It wasn’t just about how Kate Bishop became Hawkeye’s young protege. It is very much a show about family and how hard you’re willing to fight to protect them, especially around the holidays. It’s also a show that emphasizes the power of found family and finding a place with people who you might not be related to, but still come to love and cherish.

Yes, there’s still plenty of action and it does build on how much the MCU changed after the events of “Avengers: Endgame.”

Yes, it still sets the stage for future stories, especially with Kate Bishop.

But, even without the heroics and action, it’s still a damn good Christmas story. And unlike last year, you don’t have to wait a week for new episodes. The show is up on Disney+ and ready to binge. And I’ve every intention of binging it again in its entirety in the coming days.

Even if you’re not a Marvel fans, the show still stands well enough on its own to enjoy as a typical Christmas special. It has all the right ingredients for a quality Christmas themed show. And it has moments that will get most anyone into the holiday spirit. So, if you’re looking for a different kind of Christmas special to watch this year or have Marvel fans in your family, check out “Hawkeye.”

It has already become a solid entry in my list of beloved holiday specials. Give it a chance and I hope it becomes part of yours.

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Filed under Jack Fisher's Insights, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, superhero comics, superhero movies