Tag Archives: Ikaris

New Comic Book Day November 10, 2021: My Pull List And Pick Of The Week

We’re getting to that time of year in which easy to get stressed out. Once Halloween ends, everyone’s focus turns towards the holidays and the end of the year. Even if you’re not big on holiday festivities, it’s hard to avoid the impact on everyone around us. People aren’t just contemplating Christmas lists. They’re thinking about travel plans during Thanksgiving, Christmas parties, and family gatherings.

I love all of those things. I’ve already made major travel plans for the holidays this year. After being unable to leave my home state last year, I’m eager to make up for it. I don’t deny it’s stressful, but that’s exactly what I value New Comic Book Day even more this time of year.

Today is going to be a stressful day. This week is going to be stressful. This whole month is likely to be stressful in so many ways, some of which have nothing to do with the holidays. However, that feeling I get when I wake up early on a Wednesday morning, pour myself a cup of coffee, and read my new comics on my iPad is still as relaxing as ever. For just a brief moment, I’m as content as I’ll ever be during any time of year.

If you’re a comic book fan, I hope you all experience something similar. For the next couple of months, we’ll all need that more than usual. Don’t let the stress of this time of year damper your holiday spirit. Let a new stack of comics soothe you as only awesome comics can.

To that, here is my pull list and pick for the week. Relax and enjoy!

My Pull List

Action Comics #1036

Amazing Spider-Man #78

Avengers: Tech-On #4

Batman: The Imposter #2

Batman: Urban Legends #9

Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #4

Eternals #7

Excalibur #25

Hellions #17

I Am Batman #3

The Joker #9

Justice League: Last Ride #7

Mighty Morphin #13

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #32

Power Rangers #13

Rick and Morty: Corporate Assets #1

Savage Avengers #26

Strange Academy #13

Titans United #3

Wonder Woman #781

My Pick Of The Week
Eternals #7

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Marvel Studios’ Eternals: A Different (But Powerful) Cinematic Marvel

The following is a video from my YouTube channel, Jack’s World. This video is my spoiler-filled review of Marvel Studios’ “Eternals.” I’m well-aware that this movie was quite divisive among fans and critics, but I never let that sort of thing keep me from appreciating a movie, nor should anyone else. This is just my opinion of this very bold, very different kind of superhero movie. Enjoy!

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Filed under Jack's World, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Movie Reviews, superhero comics, superhero movies, YouTube

New Comic Book Day January 6, 2021: My Pull List And Pick Of The Week

It’s the first week of 2021 and while things are still awful, they haven’t gotten considerably worse just yet. By 2020 standards, that counts as progress. That’s just how low the bar is these days. I hope it raises at some point, but I’m not getting my hopes up just yet.

In the meantime, I won’t let that stop me from enjoying the first New Comic Book Day of the year. In my experience, comic companies often use that first Wednesday to set the tone for the kind of year they’re going to have. That usually involves setting up or furthering stories that began late in the previous year and launching new titles to help set up events in the new year.

In addition, these efforts also mean I tend to spend a lot more than average on the first week of the year. That usually works out because I use the money I got from generous relatives over Christmas. So the first New Comic Book Day of a new year are usually very special for me and this year promises to be no exception.

New characters are being introduced.

New titles are launching from top tier talent.

New storylines are set to pick up.

These are exciting times for the world of comics. The world is still a mess and I’m still frustrated by it to no end. Even so, an extra large pile of new comics helps make it more awesome and that’s exactly what we need right now. As such, here’s my pull list and pick for the first of many New Comic Book Days in 2021. Enjoy!

My Pull List

Amazing Spider-Man #56

Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

Eternals #1

Future State: The Next Batman #1

Future State: Wonder Woman #1

Guardians Of The Galaxy #10

Hellions #8

Iron Man #5

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #22

Star Wars #10

Spider-Woman #8

Thor #11

Venom #32

X-Factor #6

My Pick Of The Week
Eternals #1

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