Tag Archives: Memorial Day 2022

Happy Memorial Day 2022!

Today is Memorial Day.

For many, it marks the start of the summer. The weather gets hot, the pools open, and schools are out. It’s a wonderful time, indeed. We should enjoy it, especially after the events of the past two years.

For others, it’s more than just another long weekend. It’s day to acknowledge, honor, and cherish the brave men and women who decide to serve their country. That is not a trivial decision. Whether we’re in the midst of war or trying to preserve peace, making such a decision takes a special kind of spirit. For those who actually see combat, it takes even more.

Every year, I go out of my way to acknowledge the importance of honoring our veterans. I have family members who served in the military. I’ve even had a few see actual combat. It is not something just anyone can do, but it’s a service that every country, community, and society needs in order to function.

These men and women put their lives, their bodies, and so much more on the line whenever they serve. Regardless of how you feel about the politics of conflict, these are the people who often find themselves on the front lines. They’re the ones who rise to the occasion when their country calls upon them. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to say that we wouldn’t even have a country without these veterans.

We should always appreciate the sacrifices they make and the work that they do, but a day like this gives us a chance to offer a more formal acknowledgement. It doesn’t just extent to parades, a day off, or good barbecue with family. It’s an opportunity to tell every one who has ever served, even if they’re not with us anymore, how much they matter.

If you get a chance, use this day to help a veteran in need, be it a family member or someone in your community. If you can, please consider donating to one of the many military charities out there. Even during times like this, anything you can spare will help.

So, once again, to all the amazing veterans out there who are serving, have served, or have family members in the line of duty, I sincerely thank you.

Happy Memorial Day!

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