Tag Archives: Memorial Day 2024

Happy Memorial Day 2024

Today is Memorial Day.

For many, it marks the official start of the summer. The pools are open, the beaches are crowded, and flip-flops are the shoes of choice. And that’s all well and good. I love warm weather, sunny beaches, and long days as much as the next American.

But Memorial Day has always had a more serious, and sometimes solemn connotation.

It’s a day in which we take a moment to honor those who have served their country in the armed forces. That is definitely a service worth honoring. America, as a country, would not exist without men and women willing to take up the call. What they do for this nation and what they sacrifice cannot be overstated.

In my own family, I’ve had multiple individuals serve. Going back to my grandfathers who fought in World War II to other close relatives who saw combat in Vietnam, it helps give perspective to what it means to be an American. You can say anything you want about how divided we are politically. You can say even more about the state of our culture, our conflicts, and the many things that make us unique.

There’s a time and a place to have those kinds of debates. But today is not one of them.

Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, I urge everyone to use today to take a step back to honor those who sacrifice and serve for the United States of America. If you can, participate in a parade or activity to honor veterans. If you can’t, consider denoting to a veterans charity.

But whatever you do, keep those who have served this country in your heart. They’ve already sacrificed plenty. Today, on Memorial Day, let’s return the favor.

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